Rabu, 05 September 2012

Shawl Tutorial

Salaam All,

This time i will show you the alternative way to wrap your medium length shawl, the shawl size is about 130cmx50cm or for other size that too short for 2 round wrap and too long for only 1 round wrap.

I'm using 2 pin + 1 big brooch + 1 small brooch

put the shawl n your head with one side is longer than the other
Take the long side of shawl 
And round it on your head to shoulder
pull it until covering your chest and make triangle shape
Pin it on your shoulder with brooch
turn the short side of shawl into your back
you may pin the short shawl on your shoulder also to keep the shape
Very easy isn't?

Hijab Tutorial: CUBA's style by Agacha

Karena banyak banget yang nanya gimana cara pakai kerudung model di bawah ini,

jadi dibuat deh tutorialnya, To wear this style, "CUBA's Style", follow this , girls:
Sebelumnya, siapkan 1 kerudung segi empat, peniti berbagai ukuran, jarum pentul, dan jarum kecil tanpa pentul.

1. Pilihlah inner ninja sebagai inner untuk memakai CUBA's Style ini, karena akan lebih nyaman dan leher kita akan tertutup. Inner ninja ini bisa kamu beli di Cuba Klik Shop .

2. Lipat kerudung segi empat menjadi 2 bagian membentuk segitiga, lipatan bagian dalam harus lebih pendek dari bagian luar.
 3. Di bagian pelipis sebelah kanan dan kiri pasang jarum pentul, pastikan dipasang dengan rapi agar kerudung tidak mudah lepas.

4. Perhatikan gambar dengan baik! Pegang juntaian kerudung bagian depan (kira2 yang berada di sekitar bahu kita), kurang lebih selebar 7cm.

5. Tarik juntaian kerudung pada step 4 ke bagian belakang kepala, lalu rekatkan menggunakan peniti. Pasang peniti di bagian dalam agar terlihat rapi.
                                                              Hasil Step 5 tampak depan

6. Ambil jarum kecil tanpa pentul, tarik salah satu bagian kerudung (kanan/kiri) lalu pasangkan jarum tersebut di bagian bawah telinga.
7. Bagian juntain kerudung lainnya, diikatkan seperti gambar agar terlihat lebih menarik.

8. Taraaaaaaaaaaaa! Hijab ala CUBA's style siap menemani hari-harimu. Selamat Mencoba!

Hijab Tutorial : Make the Hijab Style like “Yasser Arafat”

Hijab Tutorial : Make the Hijab Style like “Yasser Arafat”. Creative with the hijab does require creativity itself. But this is not hard, because with a little bend and fold the scarf, the hijab you can look unique. You can replicate the steps to form a casual scarf Yaseer Arafat’s style of Muslim fashion designer Tuti Adib.
Hijab Tutorial : Make the Hijab Style like "Yasser Arafat"
“This style is very easy, and can be done in five minutes, only one fruit with the help of a needle,” said Tuti told Compass Female, when met at the High-End Boutique Bilqis Moslem Wear by Tuti Adib in Barito, South Jakarta, some time ago.

Hijab Tutorial : Make the Hijab Style like “Yasser Arafat”

1. First step, make sure you use a ninja suit with a hood that will be used, and not slippery. Prepare a square scarf, then fold in half so that the shape of a triangle. Then put this hood over his head (but not too close ninja), and fold a little part of it.
Hijab Tutorial video : Make the Hijab Style like "Yasser Arafat"

2. After the top to form small folds, take the tip of the veil. Then take one end, and wrap to the head. However, do not pull it too tight, let the back of the veil forming a natural drapes. And place the tip on the side of the head.
Hijab Tutorial : Make the Hijab Style like "Yasser Arafat" step ied

3. Do the same thing at the end of the other hoods.
Hijab Tutorial : Make the Hijab Style step by step
4. At the end of the gathering point of the tip veil, pinned a small pin that is not easily separated.
Hijab Tutorial : Make the Hijab Style 2012

5. The results so Yasser Arafats hijab style headscarf Tuti Adib.

Hijab Tutorial : Make the Hijab Style like "Yasser Arafat"

hijab tutorial dengan kerudung segitiga

Mimi Daily Style - Hareem Pants

Salaam All,

Saturday...lazy day hehehe wake up late-lunch-take a nap-early dinner and suddenly remember i need to do the weekly grocery.

Well, herewith the outfit for quick weekly grocery... Hareem pants tank top and cardigan, i'm a bit in hurry so i choose Hanna Faridl hijab style, quick-chic-comfy *likey*

a cup of coffee wiv hubby before grocery

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