Selasa, 04 September 2012

Cara Memakai Jilbab Dengan Hiasan Bunga

Ada banyak cara memakai jilbab, jika sebelumnya kita sudah mengenal Cara Unik Memakai Jilbab , maka kali ini saya akan berbagi bagaimana kita menghias jilbab kita dengan asesoris bunga, berikut caranya :
Bahan-bahan yang akan kita butuhkan :
  • Bahan kain Organdi, pilih warna yang nampak menarik, tidak begitu mencolok tapi tetap bagus dipakai menghadiri acara pesta.
  • Gunting kecil
  • Payet senada warna kain
  • Jarum
  • Benang yang juga senada warna kain

    Langkah atau Cara Pembuatan:
    • Potong kain dari tengah, menyerong selebar 12 cm (bisa variasi sesuai keinginan), buat 2 potong. Simpan sisa yang berbentuk segitiga kecil, bentuk menjadi segitiga siku-siku sama sisi, dengan sisi kira-kira 60 cm. Lihat gambar yang diberi lingkaran pada gambar, hias kain dengan payet di bagian itu. Motif payet bisa beragam, bisa bentuk bunga, payet tabur, atau bentuk abstrak.
    • Langkah membuat bunga: Neci ujung-ujung kain termasuk yang segitiga (biasanya di tempat obras di pasar-pasar dengan harga Rp. 1.000 – Rp. 2.000 saja). Hasilnya akan bergelombang seperti pada gambar. Setelah itu, gulung lembaran panjang tadi, ikat di tengah-tengah. Kemudian atur kerutan pada ikatannya supaya bentuk bunga terlihat rapi. Dari dua helai kain tadi, akan terbentuk 4 bunga, satukan semuanya sehingga membentuk satu buket. Kencangkan ikatan benang di tengahnya, jahit kuat untuk menghindari bentuk bunga berubah-ubah. Tempel atau jahit peniti pada bagian belakang buket.

      Cara Memakai Jilbab Dengan Hiasan Bunga:

      1. Memakai jilbab seperti biasanya, tentukan warna senada dengan hiasa yang tadi sudah kita buat
      2. Bentuk segitiga memanjang dengan bagian yang berpayet sebagai fokusnya.
      3. Ikatkan pada kepala dengan simpul berada di samping kepala

        1. Rapikanlah sisa kain yang masih berada di samping kepala
        2. Saatnya memasang Bunga pada simpul, jadi deh :D , selamat mencoba


      3rd hijab tutorial

      Last Saturday I went to Masjid Sunda Kelapa attending recitation held by Hijab Sakinah started from 9.30 - 12.00 (Dzuhur time). I was with myfriends. There were many pretty and modest girls right there, huwaaww.. alhamdulillahh.. I love to see more and more girls wearing hijab now, and they're modest yet stylish.. *kiss*


      When I were listening the recitation, there's a girl asked me to share hijab that I was wearing. So then before we had dzuhur time, I did share how to make the hijab style at the toilet in Mesjid Sunda Kelapa,, heheuu,, kinda shy actually, cause there're a lot of girls suspiciosly glanced at us at that time.. :$

      Oya, this what I wore
      Then we're all had praying time. When me and Anke were just about to leave Masjid, there's a cute girl asked me how to wear my hijab.. aaaaaaaa.. unfortunately I was in a rush so I couldnt share to her how I make my hijab like I did before.. Her name is Imma, so I only gave her my contact number and promised her to make a tutorial.. 

      So here it is my 3rd Hijab Tutorial special for Imma.. 
      1. Put your shawl over your head, one side is longer than the other
      2. Place the shorter side next to your face and the longer side next to your ears
      3. Take the longer side to the back
      4. Then take it over your nape 
      5. Now the longer one will be at the same side as the shorter one
      6. Take the longer side next to your ears then pin it to make it secure and neat
      7. Then take it over to the other side covering your neck
      8. And take it next to your ears then pin it to make it secure and neat
      9. Take the longer side of your shawl to the back
      10. Then pin it at the back to make it secure and neat (make sure your nape fully covered)
      11. Now, take the shorter part, twist it
      12. Then roll it
      13. Keep rolling the shorter part of you shawl, then pin it to make it secure and neat.
      14. The look from the shorter part of your shawl 
      15. The look from the longer part of your shawl (you can add brooch to make it nicer)
      16. Done

      Oya, this hijab style is inspired by Suchi Utami. I did email her first when I was going to make this post, she's so kind.. :) 

      I hope you like it as Imma does,, ^_^

      Don't be shy if you want to ask me, just drop your questions on the comment box below.. :)


      [Tutorial #8] Kriwil Perfect!

      Kayak judulnya, mode ini looks like kriwil banget. Sebenernya ini hampir sama dengan tutorial 6 , beda stepnya cuma di penjepitan Asesoris.
      Kalo tutorial 6, itu digulung dan dijepitnya (dipenitiinn pake bros nya), cuma bagian depannya aja, jadi cuma setengah.
      Tutorial #6
      Sedangkan di tutorial #8, yang dijepit bros adalah semua bagian :
      Tutorial #8
      Untuk Kriwil Perfect, begini hasilnya :
      Hal ini ngaruh banget ke hasilnya, so choose what theme today are you? ;)
      Ini dia stepnya :
      Keterangan :
      1 dan 2. Letakkan shawl di kepala (kiri pendek dan kanan lebih panjang), masukan asesoris favorit disisi kiri (sematkan pula pada inner hijabmu agar lebih kuat).
      3 dan 4. Ambil tepi jilbab bagian dalam, rekatkan, dan sematkan dengan jarum pentul.
      5, 6, 7, dan 8 . Ambil bagian kanan (lebih pajang), putar ke belakang hingga ke depan, dan putar kembali ke belakang atas kepala, sematkan dengan jarum pentul di atasnya.
      9 dan 10. Ambil bagian kiri )lebih pendek) sematkan ke belakang.
      11. Tarraaa!

      Hijab tutorial- 10 steps to a chic hijabi

      Salaam all,

      I have had a few requests to do some hijab tutorials. Here is a hijab tutorial for a chic look accessorised with a big bow brooch/pin, a leather jacket and some lace gloves. This style probably wouldn't look too good on a person who has a wide jaw or a very round face, but inshaAllah have a go and see if it suits you.

      The hijab is a stretchy and was purchased from 'Primark' Cheap and cheerful. I used to buy my hijabs from Islamic shops or markets selling predominantly Islamic clothing and hijabs.
      However, recently I have been seeing some really nice scarves in high street shops, which you can use as a hijab even though they were made to be wrapped around your neck.

      The thing to make sure you look at when you buy a scarf from the high street is the width (will it be big enough to give you modest coverage?) and the length (Is it long enough to be wrapped around your head?)

      So without further a do lets begin!

      Step 1

      Wear an underscarf and place the Hijab on your head with one side longer than the other. Get the shape at the top of your head right and take the front of the scarf back to your ears, creating a small fold on either side to keep it neat.

      Step 2

      Pin the hijab under your chin using a no snag hijab pin or safety pin (be cautious with safety pins as they may get tangled in your scarf and create a whole when trying to take them off)

       Step 3

      Once you've pinned the hijab under your chin, sort out the two sides and make sure your happy with the coverage and how tight or loose it is.

       Step 4 

      Take the long side of the scarf and take it to the other side as shown in the picture.

      Step 5

      bring the long side around your head. If you feel it doesn't look neat as you take it around your head fold the scarf slightly or tuck the edge in as you take it round.

      Step 6

      At this stage you can leave your scarf loose at the back to give you some coverage, however, if your back is going to be covered and your going to wear a jacket/coat get the long side you wrapped around your head from the back, bring it to the front and take it to the side again.

      Step 7

      Again wrap it around your head and hold it on top of your head at the corner of the scarf.

      Step 8

      Slide a hijab pin into the corner of the scarf to keep it in place.

      Step 9

      Pin your hijab accessory or brooch to the corner of the scarf on the side of your head.

      Step 10 

      Pin the short side of your scarf to your shoulder by draping it over your chest and pinning to the opposite side using a safety pin (best to pin from the inside so you can't see the safety pin)

      Quick check in the mirror to see if you have everything in place.

      And there you have it. One chic hijabi!

      Lace gloves purchased from 'New look'

      The hijab pin was also purchased from a high street shop (I think it was 'Primark', even if it isnt I'm sure you can find something similar in 'Primark', 'New Look' 'H&M' etc)

      Read more: ♥-i hijabi-♥: Hijab tutorial- 10 steps to a chic hijabi

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