1. Inner ninja (pake inner biasa juga bisa kok)
2. Pashmina
3. 1 sampai 3 buah jarum pentul (bisa disisipkan di atas kepala kalau takut melorot)
4. bross atau bando
2. Take one side and keep the ends behind the ears, hold. (ambil salah satu sisi dan simpan ujungnya

3. Do the same with the remains on the same side, hold and pinned a pin from the outside (Lakukan hal yang sama dengan masih pada sisi yang sama, tahan dan sematkan jarum pentul dari sisi luar)
Hijab Tutorial #3: Jilbab Paris Simple Decorative
This is just another try for jilbab paris tutorial, modif from basic style, make it into a simple decorative jilbab paris style. And i love it, coz it easy and simple for everyday use. Hope you love it too.
Lets, try it :)
Inner Ninja, Jilbab Paris and 2 Pcs Pin, 1 Brooch.

User your Jilbab paris and make it into triangle. One side longer than other side.
(Gunakan jilbab parismu dalam bentuk segitiga, dengan satu sisi lebih panjang dari sisi lainnya).
Take the longer side, pull it to other side and pinned it behind your ear.
(Ambil sisi yang lebih panjang, tarik ke sisi sebelahnya, sematkan jarum pentul tepat dibelakang telinga).STEP 3.
Take the side which not pinned then pull it under the side which pinned.
(Ambil sisi yang belum disematkan jarum pentul, tarik ke bawah bagian yang yang belum disematkan arum pentul).STEP 4.
Take the rest of the veil that has been pinned behind the ear, pull it to the top of the head and pinned it.
(Ambil sisa sisi jilbab yang telah disematkan dibelakang telinga, tarik kebelakang, keatas kepala lalu sematkan jarum pentul).
Take the other side of Jilbab paris, which not pinned yet, then pull it covered your chest, pinned a brooch on your cloth.
(Ambil sisi jilbab sebelahnya, tarik menutupi dada dan sematkan bros untuk mempercantik tampilan jilbab).
Oke, My Beautiful Womens, teman-teman cantik..
Ones Again..
Hijab Tutorial #2: Jilbab Paris (New Style)
Inner Ninja, Jilbab Paris and 2 Pcs Pin
Take one side of the veil paris, take the side of the middle and tied to the back of the neck, pinned pin.
(Ambil salah satu sisi dari jilbab paris, ambil bagian tengah sisi tersebut dan ikatkan ke belakang leher, sematkan jarum pentul.)
Take one side of the veil paris, take the side of the middle and tied to the back of the neck, pinned pin.
(Ambil salah satu sisi dari jilbab paris, ambil bagian tengah sisi tersebut dan ikatkan ke belakang leher, sematkan jarum pentul.)
Take one side (right / left). Pull the ends of veil and rotate it covered your head. Set it to look neat.
(Ambil salah satu sisi (kanan/kiri). Tarik ujung jilbab dan putarkan menutupi kepala. Atur agar terlihat rapih.)
Take one side (right / left). Pull the ends of veil and rotate it covered your head. Set it to look neat.
(Ambil salah satu sisi (kanan/kiri). Tarik ujung jilbab dan putarkan menutupi kepala. Atur agar terlihat rapih.)
Hold the back of the ear and then pinned a pin so that the veil is not shifted. Then grab the one side, then pull the end of the fabric and pinned on the inside / behind the veil / attached to the clothing
(Tahan bagian belakang telinga kemudian sematkan jarum pentul agar kerudung tidak bergeser. Kemudian ambil sisi yang satu, kemudian pull ujung kain dan sematkan dibagian dalam/belakang jilbab/menempel pada pakaian.)
Hold the back of the ear and then pinned a pin so that the veil is not shifted. Then grab the one side, then pull the end of the fabric and pinned on the inside / behind the veil / attached to the clothing
(Tahan bagian belakang telinga kemudian sematkan jarum pentul agar kerudung tidak bergeser. Kemudian ambil sisi yang satu, kemudian pull ujung kain dan sematkan dibagian dalam/belakang jilbab/menempel pada pakaian.)
Oke, My Beautiful Womens, teman-temans cantik selamat mencoba.
Hijab Tutorial: Jilbab Paris
Since i work at a office which required me to using an uniform, its mean i'm in a formal look, so i need a formal hijab fabric to wear, one of them is Jilbab Paris, but sometime i've get bored with the old style, so i modify the style and i usually wear this to the office. Hope this Jilbab Paris Tutorial work for you too.
Item Need:
Inner Ninja, Jilbab Paris and 2 Pcs Pin
1. Take one side of the viel paris, wearing the same side (ambil salah satu sisi dari jilbab paris, pakai sama sisi)

di belakang telinga, tahan)

3. Do the same with the remains on the same side, hold and pinned a pin from the outside (Lakukan hal yang sama dengan masih pada sisi yang sama, tahan dan sematkan jarum pentul dari sisi luar)
4. Take one side, then pull the end of the fabric and pinned on the inside / behind the veil / attached to the clothing (ambil sisi yang satu, kemudian tarik ujung kain dan sematkan dibagian dalam/belakang jilbab/menempel pada pakaian)
Ok, pretty, hope this work for you who have the same problem with me :)
Hijab Tutorial
Assalamu'alaikum All...
This is my first tutorial.
I don't use a video, but only give photos to show the steps to make "hood hijab style"
(okay forget about that name, i don't really know how to call that style,hehe)
So that you will not need to spend many times on buffering,
although the worst thing is you might not understand the instructions,
but you can just ask me about it, okay, here we go...
1. Make inner hijab, it would be better if u have inner ninja
This is my first tutorial.
I don't use a video, but only give photos to show the steps to make "hood hijab style"
(okay forget about that name, i don't really know how to call that style,hehe)
So that you will not need to spend many times on buffering,
although the worst thing is you might not understand the instructions,
but you can just ask me about it, okay, here we go...
1. Make inner hijab, it would be better if u have inner ninja
2. Fold square hijab to a triangle, put on ur head with the tip of the hijab on the left and the right side in the same length.
3. Take a brooch and a little part of the backside of hijab, and put the brooch,
3.a. It will look like this from the front
3.b. It will look like this from the back
4.a. Put one side of hijab (i take left side), flip.
4.b. And put needle on hijab near your cheekbone
5. Take the rest and pull it near your cheekbone
6. Okay finish! well you can finish the process up to this step, but it will be better to cover your chest, so lets continue..
7.put the other side (right side) to cover your chest, take brooch and hook it
Confusing, hah?haha...
im sorry T.T
i wish i could explain it better..
if you are still confused, well then i think i have to show it in a video format..Hehe
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