HOREEEH! akhirnya bikin tutorial lagi.. :D
Ini sih yang gampang aja ya, dan hampir tiap hari gw pake.
I'm sooo in love with Dian Pelangi Rayon Jumputan shawl. Enak sih dipakenya, dan juga warnanya itu macem-macem, jadi gw suka beli yang warna warni, nanti tinggal si baju nya deh yg warna polos.
Dan belakangan ini suka pusing berjilbab kalau pake ciput alias daleman jilbab gitu, makanya cari-cari cara biar bisa pake shawl ini tapi tanpa inner.
Kira-kira begini nanti tampilannya. Lumayan bisa nutup bagian dada juga ;)
Step by step nya yaa :
click for enlarge |
depan . samping . belakang |
- Siapin shawl rayon dan jarum pentul kurleb 3-5 jarum. agak rawan pake peniti sih karena bisa nyangkut di benang2nya shawl.
- Lipat sedikit bagian panjang tepi shawl
- Letakkan bagian shawl yg sudah dilipat sedikit tadi di kepala, salah satu bagian harus lebih panjang, kalau mau pake peniti dulu ya di bawah dagu
- Tarik shawl bagian yang pendek ke arah belakang, dan sematin jarum pentul pas di bagian atas kepala. Agak kenceng tariknya biar hasilnya bagus *hehe ini mah berantakan
- Tarik shawl bagian panjang ke arah berlawanan, terus tarik memutar ke arah belakang, nah sematin jarum lagi di bagian kepala dan beberapa titik yang rawan melorot.
- Tadaaa..! selesai deh. Tinggal diatur draperynya aja, bisa jg ditambah bros.
Gampang taaak?? Biasanya sih kalau pakenya bener, bisa awet bentuknya berjam-jam. yaa paling touch up dikit pas abis shalat yaa, sekalian dirapiin lagi :D
Selamat mencobaaa... :
as i promised, ladies... :D
- Pakai inner. Atau ngga pake juga ok asal kerah bajunya tinggi yah :D
- Bagi shawl sama rata panjangnya kiri dan kanan
- Ikat shawl di bagian kepala atas, posisi agak menyamping
- Ada 2 bagian shawl, yg di bagian atas dibuka lebar dan diarahkan ke belakang, yg satunya biarkan menjuntai
- Shawl yg tadi dilebarkan ke arah belakang, rapihkan di bagian tengkuk. Bagian ini yg bakal jadi 'pembungkus' kepala kita.
- bagian yg menjuntai, tarik ke arah berlawanan sebagai 'pengunci' bagian lainnya
- Akan ada sisa shawl sama panjang di kiri dan kanan
- Atur sisa shawl tadi, bisa untuk menutup leher / inner. Voila!
Selamat mencobaaaa...
Chiffon Shawl Hijab Tutorial #2
This is another simple hijab tutorial :).
1. Place the chiffon shawl on your head with one side shorter than the other |
2. Take the longer side to the back of your neck |
3. Pull it out to the other side of your neck |
4. Take the shorter side |
5. Pull it out at the same side as the first one |
6. Adjust the hijab with your face and secure it with pins. |
Done. |
Chiffon Shawl Hijab Tutorial #1
Many friends asked me how to wear this style of hijab. I love this style so much because it looks neat and simple.
I take my baby girl wherever I go. This style is rarely ruined by her because each edge of the hijab is secured. Let me show you how.
1. Take one of the short side of your hijab and secure it on your hair bun. You can use pins or simply tie them in square knot. |
2. Take the other short side of your hijab to your head so it gives the nice drapery on your chest. |
3. Make sure you make the drapery long enough to cover your chest. |
5. Take the rest of your hijab and secure them under your neck. |
Here is another tip. If you have a more chubby face or a plus size type of body, you can elongate the drapery to your waist or hip. It can make a slimmer illusion. It works for me :D.
Chiffon Shawl Hijab Tutorial #3 : Modifications of The Simplest Style
Before I begin, I must tell you that this style is not a style that I invent myself. I saw it in a book(Hijab Simpel & Modis, Leny Riana & Irna Dewi, Demedia: April 2012) and I've seen it in many times in hijab blogs. So I'm not sure who invented this style. Here, I just want to share three modifications of this style.
1. Place the hijab on your head |
2. Take both left and right side and cross them. The right side to the left and the left to the right. |
3. Tie them at the back of your neck. |
4. Done |
First style:
Show the inner a little.
Adjust the hijab on your face and secure it with pins. In this style I secure my hijab beneath my ears. Just a little tip, always adjust your hijab style with your face because we all have different type of faces.
Second Style
Make it asymmetrical.
Third style
Pull the hijab to front so it covers the inner
Just an idea to make this style slightly different. Hope you like it :).
Hi, mba. Saya baru saja menemukan blog ini dan ada tiga tutorial saya diposting disini tanpa seijin saya. Jika mba ingin memposting tutorial tersebut, tolong berikan informasi sumbernya dengan memberikan link hidup ke blog saya.